This year’s AVTE is upon us and bluedoor is excited to be a part of such a wonderful conference. We look forward to meeting with our authors and all of the dedicated veterinary technician educators!
Hot off the Press!

Please visit us at exhibit tables 12 and 13.

We will have the lovely Marianne Tear spending some time with us there and talking about her first edition of Practical Math for Veterinary Technicians.
We are also very excited to present the new edition of Practical Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians by Kate Arnold and Jennifer Serling. Come by and check out all of the amazing updates these incredible authors have made to the third edition!
Author Highlight

We are so proud of bluedoor author, Jennifer Serling! Jennifer has worked very hard this year with Kate Arnold to publish the new edition of Practical Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians. She has also been named President-Elect of AVTE. We are so excited for her! At this year’s conference, Jennifer will be sharing some creative ideas that she uses in the classroom to increase engagement. Stop in her sessions to hear more about her tips and tricks as well as those of your colleagues.
Amazon Gift Card Drawing
Interested in becoming a reviewer or author at bluedoor? Stop by our tables, 12 and 13, and fill out a reviewer questionnaire for a chance to win a $50 Amazon Gift Card.